Queer Stories

This title may not exist. It does occur in the occasional magazine checklist but exhaustive research and inquiries have turned up absolutely no information on it. The earliest reference to it is in a Bradford Day checklist of the early 1950's. Day lists the title as being British and appearing in 1929. He goes on to say that he has no data on it. Copies do not exist in either the British Library or Oxford's Bodleian Library. No researcher or collector that we contacted had a copy or had ever seen one. §§Alistair Durie does refer to an annual anthology titled Queer Stories from Truth. This excerpted fiction stories from Truth Magazine. The 24th series was published in hardback in 1927. It is possible that this title in some way was tied to the Day reference. It is not known for sure however and thus it is all together possible that this title is apocryphal. It is likely that indexers after Day simply picked up his reference and incorporated it in their own work.

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