The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998

Contents Lists

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The Colour of Magic Terry Pratchett (Corgi 0-552-12475-3, Mar ’85 [Feb ’85], £1.75, 238pp, pb) [Discworld] Reprint (Colin Smythe 1983) satiric fantasy novel. Pratchett zeroes in on everything from heroic duos to dragonriders, and the result is very funny. Recommended. (FCM)

The Colour of Magic Terry Pratchett (NAL/Signet 0-451-13577-6, May ’85 [Apr ’85], $2.95, 253pp, pb) [Discworld] Reprint (Colin Smythe 1983) fantasy novel.

The Planets ed. Byron Preiss (Bantam 0-553-05109-1, Dec ’85 [Oct ’85], $24.95, 336pp, hc) Original anthology of non-fiction and fiction. A guide to the solar system, featuring original stories by well-known sf writers plus essays by scientists and work by sf/astronomy artists.

Omens of Kregen Dray Prescot (DAW 0-88677-090-4, Dec ’85 [Nov ’85], $2.95, 222pp, pb) [Dray Prescot] Fantasy novel, “Dray Prescot” #36.

Storm Over Valhalla Dray Prescot (DAW 0-88677-069-6, Aug ’85 [Jul ’85], $2.95, 254pp, pb) [Dray Prescot] Fantasy novel, “Dray Prescot” #35.

Werewolves of Kregen Dray Prescot (DAW 0-87997-991-7, Jan ’85 [Dec ’84], $2.50, 220pp, pb) [Dray Prescot] Fantasy novel. “Dray Prescot” #33. The author is Ken Bulmer on all the Prescot series.

Witches of Kregen Dray Prescot (DAW 0-88677-032-7, Apr ’85 [Mar ’85], $2.75, 223pp, pb) [Dray Prescot] Fantasy novel, “Dray Prescot” #34.

Human Error Paul Preuss (Tor 0-312-93332-0, Oct ’85, $14.95, 351pp, hc) Sf novel about organic computers infecting the world and changing the human race. Recommended. (CNB)

Operation Exile E. Hoffman Price (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32599-0, Jan ’86 [Dec ’85], $2.95, 281pp, pb) [Operation] Sf novel, third in a series.

The Glamour Christopher Priest (Doubleday 0-385-19761-6, May ’85 [Apr ’85], $15.95, 302pp, hc) Reprint (Cape 1984), first U.S. edition. Fantasy novel of ambiguous relationships and invisibility. It’s mysterious and suspenseful as a thriller, though it’s also a story of modern love. Recommended! (FCM) This is slightly different from the British edition.

The Glamour Christopher Priest (SFBC #1011, Sep ’85 [Oct ’85], $5.98, 246pp, hc) Reprint (Doubleday 1985) sf novel. The British edition (Jonathan Cape 1984) is somewhat different.

Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels David Pringle (Xanadu 0-947761-11-X, Oct ’85, £9.95, 224pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical study with essays on Pringle’s choice of novels, from 1984 to Neuromancer. Foreword by Michael Moorcock.

Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels David Pringle (Xanadu 0-947761-10-1, Oct ’85, £3.95, 224pp, pb) Paperback edition of the above.

V: The Chicago Conversion George W. Proctor (Pinnacle 0-523-42429-9, Jan ’85 [Dec ’84], $2.95, 184pp, pb) [V] Sf novel associated with the tv series.

V: The Texas Run George W. Proctor (Pinnacle 0-523-42470-1, Sep ’85 [Aug ’85], $2.95, 183pp, pb) [V] Media tie-in sf novel in a series of novelizations by various authors.

Blood Autumn Kathryn Ptacek (Tor 0-812-52447-0, Jan ’85 [Dec ’84], $3.50, 349pp, pb) Horror/dark fantasy novel.

J.R.R. Tolkien: Myth, Morality, and Religion Richard L. Purtill (Harper & Row 0-06-066712-5, Mar ’85 [Feb ’85], $12.95, 154pp, hc) Non-fiction, a study of myth and religion in Tolkien’s fantasies. The author is both a professor of philosophy and a fantasy writer. [J. R. R. Tolkien]

The Story of Sir Lancelot and His Companions Howard Pyle (Scribner’s 0-684-18313-7, May ’85 [Apr ’85], $14.95, 340pp, hc) Reissue (Scribners 1907), the third of the four-part Arthurian saga written and illustrated by Pyle — poorly reproduced, with the color plates omitted. There’s also no copyright date, past or present. (CNB)

Night of the Claw Jay Ramsay (Tor 0-812-52500-0, Apr ’85 [Mar ’85], $3.95, 367pp, pb) Reprint (St. Martin’s 1983) fantasy horror novel by Ramsey Campbell.

The Sword of Winter Marta Randall (Pocket 0-671-55456-6, Apr ’85 [Mar ’85], $3.50, 271pp, pb) Reprint (Timescape 1983) fantasy novel.

World Tales ed. G. Randal Rau (1985 World Fantasy Convention, Nov ’85, $15.00 [free to convention members], 88pp, pb) Original anthology of stories and articles published as the souvenir book for the Tucson World Fantasy Convention, in the format of the old Weird Tales. It’s a beautiful job down to the pre-yellowed paper. There is original fiction by Donaldson, Walton, and Yarbro plus bibliography, biography, poetry, art, etc.

The Shattered World Michael Reaves (SFBC #2418, Feb ’85 [Jan ’85], $7.98, 307pp, hc) [Shattered World] Reprint (Timescape 1984) fantasy novel.

The Shattered World Michael Reaves (Baen 0-671-55951-6, Mar ’85 [Feb ’85], $3.50, 413pp, pb) [Shattered World] Reprint (Timescape 1984) fantasy novel.

Fort Privilege Kit Reed (Doubleday 0-385-19405-6, Apr ’85 [Mar ’85], $11.95, 186pp, hc) Sf novel. No new ideas, but a well-executed novel of urban deterioration. (DLN)

The Simple Screamer Dan Reeder (Falcon 0-87905-163-9, Feb ’85 [Jan ’85], $14.95, 80pp, pb) A step-by-step guide to the art of making papier mache and cloth monsters, with both black and white and color illustrations featuring Reeder’s delightful and humorous beasties. Whether you plan to make your own or just admire his work, this is a pleasure to have. (FCM)

The Transcendent Adventure: Studies of Religion in Science Fiction/Fantasy ed. Robert Reilly (Greenwood 0-313-23062-5, Mar ’85 [Feb ’85], $35.00, x + 266pp, hc) Non-fiction, 17 scholarly essays by critics.

The Planet of Tears Trish Reinius (Iris 0-932987-00-1, Sep ’85 [Aug ’85], $8.00, 157pp, pb) [Planet of Tears] Reprint (Dawne-Leigh 1979) fantasy novel. Distributed by Strawberry Hill Press.

Power of the White Wolf Trish Reinius (Iris 0-932987-01-X, Sep ’85 [Aug ’85], $8.00, 160pp, pb) [Planet of Tears] Fantasy novel, sequel to The Planet of Tears. Order from Strawberry Hill Press.

Adventures Mike Resnick (NAL/Signet 0-451-13867-8, Oct ’85 [Sep ’85], $2.95, 239pp, pb) [Lucifer Jones] Humorous quasi-fantasy novel featuring adventurer Dr. Lucifer Jones.

Eros at Zenith Mike Resnick (NAL/Signet 0-451-13667-5, Jul ’85 [Jun ’85], $2.95, 255pp, pb) [Tales of the Velvet Comet] Reprint (Phantasia 1984) sf novel, “Tales of the Velvet Comet” #2. Murder mystery set in a pleasure dome in space.

Tales of the Velvet Comet #3: Eros Descending Mike Resnick (NAL/Signet 0-451-14017-6, Dec ’85 [Nov ’85], $2.95, 250pp, pb) [Tales of the Velvet Comet] Sf novel, third in a series about an interstellar whorehouse. The earlier 2 volumes had hardcover editions, but this one is an original.

Kiteman of Karanga Alfred Reynolds (Knopf 0-394-86347-X, Oct ’85, $11.95, 217pp, hc) Young-adult sf novel of a young flyer vs. an evil empire. A first novel. Also available in a library binding (-96347-4, $11.99).

Trojan Orbit Mack Reynolds & Dean Ing (Baen 0-671-55942-7, Mar ’85 [Feb ’85], $2.95, 374pp, pb) Sf novel set in an L-5 colony. Reynolds wrote the first draft, Ing the final.

The Vampire Lestat Anne Rice (Knopf 0-394-53443-3, Oct ’85, $17.95, 481pp, hc) [Vampire Chronicles] Fantasy novel, sequel to Interview with the Vampire. A richly inventive tale with some splendid characters. A third book in the series is promised. Recommended. (FCM)

Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament Gregg Rickman (Fragments West 0-916063-02-X, Apr ’85 [Mar ’85], $9.95, 240pp, pb) Non-fiction (maybe). These are interviews with Dick plus letters, etc., on his 1974 religious conversion and what came after. It’s philosophical, religious, or paranoid ravings, depending on your point of view. Introduction by Robert Silverberg. [Philip K. Dick]

Jitterbug Perfume Tom Robbins (Bantam 0-553-25148-1, Nov ’85 [Sep ’85], $4.50, 388pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam 1984) fantasy novel.

The Silver Metal Lover Trina Robbins (Crown/Harmony 0-517-55853-X, Nov ’85, $6.95, 57pp, pb) [Silver Metal Lover] This “graphic novel” is a comic-book adaptation of the sf novel by Tanith Lee.

The Song of Homana Jennifer Roberson (DAW 0-88677-057-2, Jul ’85 [Jun ’85], $3.50, 352pp, pb) [Cheysuli] Fantasy novel, second in the “Chronicles of the Cheysuli”.

The Cingulum John Maddox Roberts (Tor 0-812-55200-8, Feb ’85 [Jan ’85], $2.95, 285pp, pb) [Cingulum] Sf novel.

Cloak of Illusion John Maddox Roberts (Tor 0-812-55202-4, Aug ’85 [Jul ’85], $2.95, 287pp, pb) [Cingulum] Sf novel, sequel to The Cingulum.

Conan the Valorous John Maddox Roberts (Tor 0-812-54244-4, Sep ’85 [Aug ’85], $6.95, 280pp, pb) [Conan] Fantasy novel in the continuing series based on the Robert E. Howard character.

Kiteworld Keith Roberts (Gollancz 0-575-03604-4, Jun ’85 [May ’85], £8.95, 288pp, hc) [Kiteworld] Episodic sf novel of a strange post-holocaust culture. Parts of it previously appeared as three novelettes.

The Memory of Whiteness Kim Stanley Robinson (Tor 0-312-93467-X, Sep ’85 [Aug ’85], $15.95, 351pp, hc) Sf novel. Robinson’s finest effort to date, an exquisitely structured musical tour of the solar system from the perspective of the musician who plays an entire orchestra. One of the year’s finest novels. (DLN)

The Novels of Philip K. Dick Kim Stanley Robinson (UMI 0-8357-1589-2, 1984 [Feb ’85], $24.95 + postage, 150pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical study. This is a revision of a thesis Robinson did in 1982. The book came out in 1984, but we missed it. [Philip K. Dick]

Melancholy Elephants Spider Robinson (Penguin Canada 0-14-007427-9, 1984 [May ’85], C$6.95, 239pp, pb) Collection of 12 stories. Published in a 1984 Canadian trade edition only. This is the first we’ve seen of it. Completists, take note.

Melancholy Elephants Spider Robinson (Tor 0-812-55231-8, Jun ’85 [May ’85], $2.95, 244pp, pb) Collection of 13 stories plus an introduction explaining the special 1984 Canadian trade edition. This edition drops one story and adds two stories plus a “concordiat” to another story.

Night of Power Spider Robinson (Baen 0-671-55944-3, May ’85 [Apr ’85], $13.95, 287pp, hc) Near-future sf novel about a black uprising in Manhattan.

Night of Power Spider Robinson (Berkley 0-425-08475-2, Jan ’86 [Dec ’85], $2.95, 287pp, pb) Reprint (Baen 1985) near-future sf novel of race war in New York.

The Drums of Fu Manchu Sax Rohmer (Zebra 0-8217-1617-4, Jun ’85 [May ’85], $3.50, 348pp, pb) [Fu Manchu] Reprint (Doubleday 1939) sf novel, 6th in the “Fu Manchu” series.

The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu Sax Rohmer (Zebra 0-8217-1668-9, Oct ’85, $3.50, 331pp, pb) [Fu Manchu] Reprint (McBride 1913) sf novel, first in the series.

The Trail of Fu Manchu Sax Rohmer (Zebra 0-8217-1619-0, Jun ’85 [May ’85], $3.50, 348pp, pb) [Fu Manchu] Reprint (Doubleday 1934) sf novel, 10th in the series.

Emile and the Dutchman Joel Rosenberg (NAL/Signet 0-451-14016-8, Jan ’86 [Dec ’85], $2.95, 254pp, pb) [Metzada] Sf novel. “The galaxy-spanning tale of the two toughest, cleverist mavericks in outer space.” Parts are significantly revised versions of earlier printed stories.

Guardians of the Flame: The Warriors Joel Rosenberg (SFBC #02410, Sep ’85 [Aug ’85], $8.50, 722pp, hc) [Guardians of the Flame] Omnibus edition of a fantasy trilogy.

The Silver Crown Joel Rosenberg (NAL/Signet 0-451-13531-8, Apr ’85 [Mar ’85], $2.95, 302pp, pb) [Guardians of the Flame] Fantasy novel, Book 3 of “Guardians of the Flame”.

Feminist Futures: Contemporary Women’s Speculative Fiction Natalie M. Rosinsky (UMI 0-8357-1578-7, 1984 [May ’85], $24.95 + postage, 147pp, hc) Non-fiction, literary criticism. This revision of a thesis appeared in 1984, but we didn’t see it until 1985.

The Politics of Fantasy: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien Leo D. Rossi (UMI 0-8357-1597-3, 1984 [May ’85], $24.95 + postage, 143pp, hc) Non-fiction, literary criticsm. This revision of a thesis first appeared in 1984, but we didn’t see it until 1985. [C. S. Lewis; J. R. R. Tolkien]

Dreamwatcher Theodore Roszak (Doubleday 0-385-18894-3, Feb ’85 [Jan ’85], $15.95, 287pp, hc) Fantasy novel of a woman who can see dreams. It’s billed as a “psychosexual thriller.”

Staroamer’s Fate Chuck Rothman (Popular Library/Questar 0-445-20102-9, Jan ’86 [Dec ’85], $3.50, 213pp, pb) Sf novel, a first novel.

The Zone #3: Hunter Killer James Rouch (Zebra 0-8217-1662-X, Sep ’85 [Aug ’85], $2.50, 206pp, pb) [Zone] Post-holocaust sf adventure novel.

The Encyclopedia of Superheroes Jeff Rovin (Facts on File 0-8160-1168-0, Nov ’85, $29.95, 443pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference book listing mostly comic superheroes but also some pulp characters, etc.

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