Locus Online


Poll Results Survey Results Editorial Comments
Voter Comments p. 1 | p. 2
(This was the Poll and Survey form)

Online ballots received: 222
There were 13 duplicate submissions, discarded.

male: 66.5%
female: 33.5%

This is a significantly higher percentage of female voters than in any Locus magazine poll of the past decade, where the ratio has typically been 72%/28% male to female.

under 21: 5%
21-30: 26%
31-40: 42%
41-50: 16%
over 50: 6%
average: 34.6
median: 34
mode (most common): 33/35
(no answer: 10)

This also is significantly different from the magazine polls' figures, which have steadily increased from an average/mode of 36 ten years ago to 43 last year. The Internet audience is younger.

Read Locus Magazine?
Yes: 30%
Yes, subscribe: 44%
No: 23%

So 74% of voters are readers of the magazine; close to half are subscribers.

How often do you visit Locus Online?
Daily: 18%
Weekly: 31%
Monthly: 24%
Rarely: 26%

Which of the following 1998 movies have you seen?
The Truman Show: 56%
Armageddon: 50%
Star Trek Insurrection: 45%
Saving Private Ryan: 44%
Shakespeare In Love: 43%
Central Station: 5%

You'd think we predicted the answers with the order of the list! Or maybe voters got tired of clicking boxes and moved on.

Do you watch-- regularly occasionally not at all
Babylon 5 28% 24 41
The X-Files 36 31 28
Star Trek Voyager 22 31 41
Ally McBeal 21 16 65
The Simpsons 30 28 35
ER 15 21 58
South Park 12 23 58

Have you read or purchased the following 1998 books? read it bought but haven't read (yet) neither
Robert Jordan's The Path of Daggers 13% 6 76
Bruce Sterling's Distraction 11 14 68
George R.R. Martin's A Clash of Kings 21 16 57
Robert Silverberg's The Alien Years 10 10 74
Sean Stewart's Mockingbird 9 9 75
Paul J. McAuley's Child of the River 10 9 75
Stephen King's A Bag of Bones 14 9 71
Thomas M. Disch's The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of 13 4 76
David Brin's The Transparent Society 2 4 87
Tom Wolfe's A Man In Full 5 5 84
Neal Gabler's Life the Movie 2 1 90
Edward O. Wilson's Consilience 5 2 86

So much for trying to find books that a majority of our readers might have read. The best one can find as a shared reading experience is Martin's fantasy novel, but even that was shared by only a fifth of the voters.

Tidbits: Everyone who's read Neal Gabler has also read Tom Disch. No one who's read Jordan has read Gabler, and only one of them has read Disch. Only 2 (of 25) people who've read Sterling have also read Jordan. One person indicated reading 9 of the books (everything but Jordan, Brin, and Gabler); one person indicated 8; three others 7. Of the twelve people who've read 5 of these books or more, all but one of them has read Sterling, and only one of them has read Jordan.

Which of the following magazines do you read?
Asimov's -- 34%
Analog -- 23%
Starlog -- 5%
Wired -- 19%
Time -- 12%
Publishers Weekly -- 16%

Last year's magazine poll indicated 39% readership for Asimov's, 23% for Analog, 11% for PW.

Have you ever attended a:
science fiction convention? -- 60%
Worldcon? -- 31%
neither -- 35%
Did you attend the '98 Worldcon?
yes -- 12%
no -- 82%
Do you
nominate -- 12%
vote for the Hugos? -- 13%
(only 9%, 19, indicated they do both)

All of these figures are slightly less than those from last year's magazine poll.

How many 1998 SF/F/H novels (books first published in that year) have you read?
0 - 10: 41%
11 - 20: 23%
21 - 40: 18 %
more than 40: 15%

How many books do you read each month?
SF/F/H books:
<1: 3%
1 - 2: 9%
2 - 3: 17%
3 - 4: 17%
4 - 5: 13%
5 - 6: 11%
6 - 7: 3%
7 - 8: 3%
8 - 9: 4%
9 - 10: (2)
10: 7%
~15: 3%
20-25: 3%
30+: (1)

Next time we'll provide categories. We combined answers of ''1'' with answers of ''1-2'', and so on. Where answers gave a range ("3-25", "5-15") we averaged. One person answered "30+" which might have been a mistype for 3+, or perhaps it was Don D'Ammassa.

Other books?
0: 5%
<1: 4%
1 - 2: 4%
2 - 3: 18%
3 - 4: 10%
4 - 5: 7%
5 - 6: 6%
6 - 7: (3)
7 - 8: (3)
8 - 9: (4)
10: 6%
~15: (6)
18: (1)
20-25: (2)
30: (1)
40: (1)

The person who answered 40 other said 10 for SF books; the person who answered 30 other said 20 SF books; the person who said 30+ SF books said 3+ other books. None of those three indicated having read any of the dozen titles listed above.

How many movies do you see each month?
--Theater movies
0: 14%
<1: 9%
1 - 2: 30%
2 - 3: 15%
3 - 4: 9%
4 - 5: 6%
5 : (2)
6-10: (7)
10: (2)
--TV/video movies
0: 6%
<1: 2%
1 - 2: 10%
2 - 3: 18%
3 - 4: 10%
4 - 5: 13%
5 : 8%
6-10: 11%
10 - 15: 9%
15+: (4)
20: (3)
25: (1)
64: (1)
''too many'': (1)

Have you purchased online..?
--books: 79%
--CDs: 42%
--other: 39%

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