The Website of The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field
Locus Online

Winners of Locus Online's polls for 20th and 21st century novels and short fiction are (20th century) by Frank Herbert, J.R.R. Tolkien, Ted Chiang, Daniel Keyes, and Arthur C. Clarke, and (21st century) by John Scalzi, Neil Gaiman, Kelly Link, Ted Chiang, and Ted Chiang

Cory Doctorow:
Where Characters Come From

January 2013 Blinks

January -- News Posts

January 2013 Posts:

February Issue Table of Contents

Thursday 31 January 2013  |  Magazine

february issue
February is the annual "Year in Review" issue, with Locus' Recommended Reading List and commentaries by Gary K. Wolfe, Jonathan Strahan, and many others; plus, interviews with Catherynne M. Valente and Brian Slattery, and reviews of new books by Karen Lord, Frances Hardinge, Adam Roberts, Lois Lowry, and many others.

Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, late January

Wednesday 30 January 2013  |  Reviews

Reviews of stories in new issues of Analog, Asimov's, Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Strange Horizons,, and Crossed Genres

New Books : 29 January

Tuesday 29 January 2013  |  Monitor

Released today: Angelica Gorodischer's Trafalgar and titles by Adams, Clarke, Cole, Collins, Jordan et al, Lake, Ogawa, Robertson, Schafer, Sebold, and Shepherd

This Week's Bestsellers

Monday 28 January 2013  |  Monitor

Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson's A Memory of Light ranks 1st or 2nd, and George Saunders' Tenth of December ranks 3rd or 4th, on four lists

Russell Letson reviews American Science Fiction: Nine Classic Novels of the 1950s

Sunday 27 January 2013  |  Reviews

From Locus Magazine's January 2013 issue

One could build an intermediate-to-advanced college course around these titles — I would have embraced these volumes enthusiastically when I was trying to maintain a stable reading list for my courses. The texts are well chosen, the scholarly impedimenta are in place, and while a full survey of American SF of the 1950s would require a collection of short fiction, the long-form part would be well served by these novels.

Periodicals: late January

Saturday 26 January 2013  |  Monitor

New 'zine Perihelion SF, plus new issues of Analog, Asimov's, and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine

Paul Di Filippo reviews Manly Wade Wellman

Friday 25 January 2013  |  Reviews

Special to Locus Online

Wellman had a long career whose duplicate would be hard to achieve in today's troubled marketplace. Night Shade Press has already gathered up several volumes of his stories, and now comes The Complete John Thunstone, which assembles all the fiction — including two entire novels — devoted to one of Wellman's occult detectives.

Notable New UK Books : January

Thursday 24 January 2013  |  Monitor

Adam Roberts' collection Adam Robots, and novels by Amish, Jaine Fenn, James Maxey, and Rod Rees

Faren Miller reviews Rudy Rucker

Wednesday 23 January 2013  |  Reviews

From Locus Magazine's January 2013 issue

Turing & Burroughs can be enjoyed as a mad romp, and celebration of gay sex, that brings together and transforms two characters from history in outrageous ways. In less than 250 pages — room enough for a host of voices — Rudy Rucker has produced an SFnal tour de force.

New Books : 22 January

Tuesday 22 January 2013  |  Monitor

University of Illinois Press's "Modern Masters of Science Fiction" launches with John Brunner; plus, novels by R.S. Belcher, Miles Cameron, Kim Harrison, and L.E. Modesitt, Jr.

This Week's Bestsellers

Monday 21 January 2013  |  Monitor

Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson's A Memory of Light and George Saunders' Tenth of December debut on print lists.

David Brin: Our Favorite Cliché — A World Filled With Idiots..., or, Why Films and Novels Routinely Depict Society and its Citizens as Fools

Sunday 20 January 2013  |  Perspectives

david brin
Special to Locus Online

Today's dominant storytelling technique nearly always portrays one or two individuals in dire scenarios, without useful support from the societies that made them. There is no help or authority that can be effectively appealed to, because those leaders are at best distracted or foolish. More often than not society itself is the chief malignity that must be combated.

Classic Reprints: January

Saturday 19 January 2013  |  Monitor

Manly Wade Wellman's The Complete John Thunstone and other titles by Donaldson, Guran, Lee, Sargent, and Silverberg

Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, mid-January

Friday 18 January 2013  |  Reviews

Reviews of stories in new issues of Electric Velocipede, Fireside, Eclipse Online, Lightspeed, Kaleidotrope, Black Gate, and Bourbon Penn

New in Paperback: January

Thursday 17 January 2013  |  Monitor

John Scalzi's Redshirts and titles by Ahmed, Buckell, Coates, Correia, Dashner, Haldeman, Hendee & Hendee, Herbert & Anderson, Kowal, Pratchett, Rawn, Salyards, West, and Zahn

Paul Di Filippo reviews Steve Aylett

Wednesday 16 January 2013  |  Reviews

Special to Locus Online

UK writer Steve Aylett is a genius of the bizarre, a whacked-out psychedelic wordsmith and literary prankster whose name should be a byword among all those readers who enjoy the antics of Rhys Hughes or Flann O'Brien, Rudy Rucker or William Burroughs, Michael Moorcock or Grant Morrison, R. A. Lafferty or David Bunch.

New Books : 15 January

Tuesday 15 January 2013  |  Monitor

George Saunders' Tenth of December, Beth Revis' Shades of Earth, and other recent titles by Fish, Fultz, Kimmel, Koontz, Melton, Powell, and Smythe

This Week's Bestsellers

Monday 14 January 2013  |  Monitor

Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson's A Memory of Light remains #1 on; Timothy Zahn's Scoundrels debuts on print lists.

Gary K. Wolfe reviews Kit Reed

Sunday 13 January 2013  |  Reviews

From Locus Magazine's January 2013 issue

Since Kit Reed's Son of Destruction is a rare novel that actually makes considerable use of Todorov's hesitation, the first thing I should tell you about it is that there are things I shouldn't tell you about it — namely, whether it ends up landing in the uncanny bin or the marvelous bin, or just teeters on that Todorovian pivot all the way through.

Online Periodicals: early January

Saturday 12 January 2013  |  Monitor

New 'zine Indian SF, plus new issues of Apex, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Clarkesworld, GigaNotoSaurus, Lightspeed, Nightmare, and SF Site

James S.A. Corey: Lurid Tales of Space Adventure

Friday 11 January 2013  |  Perspectives

james s.a. corey
Excerpts from Locus Magazine's January Issue interview

More than a science fiction story, we’re telling an adventure story. Adventure stories have a reputation for immaturity and adolescence, and that is presented as if it were a bad thing. When we were writing Leviathan Wakes, people were asking me what Daniel and I were doing, and my joke was, 'We're writing lurid tales of space adventure.'

Locus Bestsellers, January

Thursday 10 January 2013  |  Magazine

Bestsellers from specialty bookstores are led by Iain M. Banks' The Hydrogen Sonata, George R.R. Martin's A Feast for Crows, David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, and titles by Robert Kirkman & Jay Bonansinga and Karen Traviss

Delia Sherman: Historical Dimensions

Wednesday 9 January 2013  |  Perspectives

delia sherman
Excerpts from Locus Magazine's January Issue interview

Looking back on history with a modern brain, and saying magic didn’t exist doesn’t do much good. They believed in magic, and they behaved as if it worked, and possibly sometimes it did. I don't know; I wasn't there. I prefer to write history with the magic left in. The magic that I write about is the magic that people believed in.

New Books : 8 January

Tuesday 8 January 2013  |  Monitor

Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson's A Memory of Light, a children's picture book by Neil Gaiman, nonfiction on Russian SF, and other titles by Gould, Hager, Martin, Mayer, Planck, Rought, and Teppo

This Week's Bestsellers

Monday 7 January 2013  |  Monitor

Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson's A Memory of Light is #1 again this week on

Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, early January

Sunday 6 January 2013  |  Reviews

Reviews of stories in new issues of Beneath Ceaseless Skies,, Clarkesworld, Asimov's, Analog, and Apex

Locus Online's 2012 All-Centuries Polls Results: Final Results

Saturday 5 January 2013

Final corrected and edited results include adjustments for SF and fantasy novels voted in the wrong centuries.

Locus Magazine's New & Notable Books, January

Friday 4 January 2013  |  Magazine

January New and Notable books include William Alexander's Goblin Secrets and other titles by Abercrombie, Baxter, Bujold, Gilman, Grant, Jones, Le Guin, Marshall, McDevitt & Resnick, Rajaniemi, Sedia, Steele, Strahan, and Van Pelt.

Cory Doctorow: Where Characters Come From

Thursday 3 January 2013  |  Perspectives

cory doctorow
From Locus Magazine's January Issue.

I think we all have a little built-in simulator in which we run miniature copies of all the people in our lives. These are the brain equivalents to computer games like The Sims. When you get to know someone, you put a copy of them in the simulator.

January Issue Table of Contents

Wednesday 2 January 2013  |  Magazine

january issue
The January issue features interviews with Delia Sherman and James S.A. Corey (Daniel Abraham & Ty Franck), a new column by Cory Doctorow, an obituary of Boris Strugatsky, and reviews of short fiction and new books by Nick Harkaway, Rudy Rucker, Steven Gould, Tad Williams, and many others.

New Books : 1 January

Tuesday 1 January 2013  |  Monitor

January books released so far include the US edition of Peter F. Hamilton's Great North Road and titles by Armstrong, Brennan, Francis, Hendee & Hendee, Lyle, Naam, Owens, Peery, Ringo & Sear, Rowland, Snyder, Taylor, West, and White

Earlier posts:
December | November | October | September | August | July | June | May | April | March | February | January | December | November | October | September | August | July | June

Charles N. Brown, 1937-2009



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