The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2005

Contents Lists


Doom: Knee-Deep in the Dead Dafydd ab Hugh & Brad Linaweaver (Pocket Star 0-671-52555-7, Aug 2005, $6.99, 250pp, pb) [Doom] Reissue (Pocket Star 1995) military SF novelization based on the computer games “Doom” and “Doom II”. Copyrighted by Id Software. Sixth printing.

Down Time Lynn Abbey (Ace 0-441-01270-1, Apr 2005, $6.99, 330pp, pb, cover by Danilo Ducak) [Orion’s Children] Contemporary fantasy novel, fourth in the Orion’s Children series featuring Emma Merrigan begun in Out of Time.

Flatland Edwin A. Abbott (Penguin/Signet Classics 0-451-52976-6, May 2005, $4.95, 147 + xii, pb) Reprint (Seeley 1884) fantasy novel. This has a new introduction by Valerie M. Smith.

The Smoke Thief Shana Abé (Bantam 0-553-80448-0, Oct 2005, $15.00, 292pp, hc, cover by Stephen Youll) [Drakon] Fantasy romance novel, the first in a trilogy about a notorious jewel thief and shapeshifting dragons in England.

The Smoke Thief Shana Abé (SFBC #1194248, Nov 2005, $9.99, 292pp, hc, cover by Stephen Youll) [Drakon] Reprint (Bantam 2005) young-adult fantasy about dragons passing as humans in 18th-century England.

Warhammer 40,000: Double Eagle Dan Abnett (BL Publishing/Black Library US 1-84416-090-4, Aug 2005, $7.99, 415pp, pb) [Warhammer 40,000] Reprint (Black Library 2004) novelization based on the universe of the roleplaying game. This has the same ISBN as the Black Library UK 7/05 edition, but only lists US and Canadian prices.

Warhammer 40,000: His Last Command Dan Abnett (BL Publishing/Black Library US 1-84416-238-9, Nov 2005, $19.99, 308pp, hc, cover by Alex Boyd) [Warhammer 40,000: Gaunt’s Ghosts: Lost] Novelization based on the roleplaying game world, ninth in the “Gaunt’s Ghosts” series, and second in “The Lost” story arc. This first US edition has the same ISBN as the Black Library UK (10/05) edition, but only lists US and Canadian prices. Copyrighted by Games Workshop.

Warhammer 40,000: Ravenor Dan Abnett (BL Publishing/Black Library US 1-84416-073-4, Apr 2005, $7.99, 412pp, pb) [Warhammer 40,000: Ravenor] Reprint (Black Library UK 2004) novelization based on the fantasy roleplaying game world. Book one in the “Gideon Ravenor” trilogy. Copyrighted by Games Workshop Ltd.

Warhammer 40,000: Ravenor Returned Dan Abnett (BL Publishing/Black Library US 1-84416-184-6, Apr 2005, $19.99, 306pp, hc, cover by Wayne England) [Warhammer 40,000: Ravenor] Novelization based on the fantasy roleplaying game world. Second in the Ravenor series. First US edition (Black Library UK 3/05); this has the same ISBN as the UK edition, but only has the US and Canadian price on the cover. Copyrighted by Games Workshop Ltd.

Warhammer 40,000: Traitor General Dan Abnett (BL Publishing/Black Library US 1-84416-113-7, Nov 2005, $7.99, 415pp, pb, cover by Adrian Smith) [Warhammer 40,000: Gaunt’s Ghosts: Lost] Reprint (Black Library 2004) novelization based on the roleplaying game world, eighth in the “Gaunt’s Ghosts” series, and first in “The Lost” story arc. This has the same ISBN as the Black Library UK edition, but only lists US and Canadian prices.

Warhammer: Bloodstorm Dan Abnett & Mike Lee (BL Publishing/Black Library US 1-84416-192-7, Jan 2006, $7.99, 413pp, pb, cover by Clint Langley) [Warhammer: Malus Darkblade] Novelization based on the roleplaying game world, part of the Malus Darkblade series. Copyrighted by Games Workshop. This first US edition has the same ISBN as the Black Library UK (12/05) edition, but only lists US and Canadian prices.

Warhammer: The Daemon’s Curse Dan Abnett & Mike Lee (BL Publishing/Black Library US 1-84416-191-9, Jun 2005, $7.99, 383pp, pb, cover by Clint Langley) [Warhammer: Malus Darkblade] Novelization based on the roleplaying game world, in the Malus Darkblade series. Copyrighted by Games Workshop. This first US edition (Black Library 5/05) has the same ISBN as the UK, but has only US and Canadian prices.

Judgment Day J. J. Ace (Gale Group/Five Star 1-59414-388-9, Sep 2005, $25.95, 300pp, hc, cover by Thorsten Grambow) Fantasy novel. A dead man is chosen to be the Forerunner who will decide whether humans will be ruled by Heaven, Hell, or themselves. Packaged and edited by Martin H. Greenberg & Ed Gorman. Five Star, 295 Kennedy Memorial Drive, Waterville ME 04901; 800-223-1244; [].

Moon’s Web C. T. Adams & Cathy Clamp (Tor 0-765-34914-0, Aug 2005, $6.99, 337pp, pb) Werewolf romance novel.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-39180-2, Apr 2005, $7.99, 309pp, pb) [Hitchhiker] Reissue (Pan 1979) humorous SF novel, first in the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy. This is a movie tie-in edition with an added 93pp on the making of the movie by Robbie Stamp.

Life, the Universe, and Everything Douglas Adams (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-39182-9, Apr 2005, $7.99, 232pp, pb) [Hitchhiker] Reissue (Pan 1982) humorous SF novel, third in the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy. This is a movie tie-in edition.

Life, the Universe, and Everything Douglas Adams (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-41890-5, Apr 2005, $12.95, 232pp, tp) [Hitchhiker] Reprint (Pan 1982) humorous SF novel, third in the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy.

Mostly Harmless Douglas Adams (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-41877-8, Apr 2005, $7.99, 218pp, pb) [Hitchhiker] Reprint (Heinemann 1992) humorous SF novel, fifth in the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy. This is a movie tie-in edition.

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Douglas Adams (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-39181-0, Apr 2005, $7.99, 245pp, pb) [Hitchhiker] Reissue (Pan 1980) humorous SF novel, second in the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy. A non-tie-in trade paperback edition (-41892-1, $12.95, 250pp) is also available.

The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time Douglas Adams (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-45529-0, Jun 2005, $7.99, 298pp, pb) [Dirk Gently] Reprint (Harmony 2002) collection of Adams’s unfinished novel, plus non-fiction items. This has the 2003 introductions by Terry Jones.

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish Douglas Adams (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-39183-7, Apr 2005, $7.99, 214pp, pb) [Hitchhiker] Reissue (Pan 1984) humorous SF novel, fourth in the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy. This is a movie tie-in edition.

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish Douglas Adams (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-47996-3, Apr 2005, $12.95, 214pp, tp) [Hitchhiker] Reprint (Pan 1984) humorous SF novel, fourth in the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy.

The Diary of Pelly D L. J. Adlington (HarperCollins/Greenwillow 0-06-076615-8, Apr 2005, $15.99, 282pp, hc, cover by Chad W. Beckerman) [Diary of Pelly D] Young-adult SF novel. A diary found in an archaeological dig on a colony planet tells a harrowing tale of a popular girl. First US edition (Hodder & Stoughton 2/05).

The Road of Silk Matt Afsahi & Barbara Dysonwilliams (Turnkey Press/Synergy Books 0-9747644-6-9, Feb 2005, $24.99, 329pp, hc) Fantasy novel. Queen Yasamin’s trip to make an arranged marriage is full of dangers and discoveries. Synergy Books, 2525 W. Anderson Lane, Suite 540, Austin TX 78757.

Fugue XXIX Forrest Aguirre (Raw Dog Screaming 1-933293-07-1, Oct 2005, $15.95, 217pp, tp, cover by Terry Rentzepis) Collection of 29 stories, six original. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online at [] or from Raw Dog Screaming Press, 5103 72nd Place, Hyattsville MD 20784.

The Nine Muses ed. Forrest Aguirre & Deborah Layne (Wheatland Press 0-9755903-6-7, Oct 2005, $19.95, 252pp, tp, cover by Giorgio de Chirico) Original anthology of 13 stories by women writers. Authors include Kit Reed, Heather Shaw, and Ursula Pflug. Introductory essay by Elizabeth Hand. This is a print-on-demand book, available online at [], or from Wheatland Press, PO Box 1818, Wilsonville OR 97070.

The Garden Elsie V. Aidinoff (HarperTempest 0-06-055607-2, May 2005, $6.99, 403pp, tp, cover by John Sann) Reprint (HarperTempest 2004) young-adult novel of the Garden of Eden, narrated by Eve.

Midwinter Nightingale Joan Aiken (Random House/Dell Yearling 0-440-41928-X, Jan 2005, $5.50, 248pp, tp) [Alternate England; James III] Reprint (Delacorte 2003) young-adult alternate-history fantasy novel, the tenth book in the “Wolves Chronicles.”

The Witch of Clatteringshaws Joan Aiken (Random House/Delacorte 0-385-73226-0, Jan 2005, $15.95, 134pp, hc, cover by Jimmy Pickering) [Alternate England; James III] Young-adult alternate-history fantasy novel, the 11th book in the “Wolves Chronicles”. Dido looks for another heir to the English throne so Simon doesn’t have to take it. There is a note on some of the fantastic creatures by the author’s daughter Lizza Aiken. Simultaneous with the UK (Cape) edition.

Cultural Breaks Brian Aldiss (Tachyon Publications 1-892391-26-0, Sep 2005, $24.95, 236 + xvi, hc, cover by John Picacio) Collection of 12 stories, three original. Introduction by Andy Duncan. Tachyon Publications, 1459 18th Street #139, San Francisco CA 94107; [].

Non-Stop Brian Aldiss (Overlook Press 1-58567-683-7, Aug 2005, $14.95, 241pp, tp, cover by Fred Gambino) Reprint (Faber & Faber 1958) SF novel.

Changer of Days Alma Alexander (HarperCollins/Eos 0-06-076575-5, Jun 2005, $6.99, 339pp, pb) [Changer of Days] Fantasy novel, the second in a series after The Hidden Queen. The author also writes as Alma Hromic. First US edition (Voyager Australia 7/02).

The Hidden Queen Alma Alexander (HarperCollins/Eos 0-06-076570-4, May 2005, $6.99, 389pp, pb, cover by Jean Pierre Targete) [Changer of Days] Fantasy novel, the first in the Changer of Days series. First US edition (Voyager Australia 12/01 as by Alma A. Hromic).

The Xanadu Adventure Lloyd Alexander (Penguin/Dutton 0-525-47371-8, Feb 2005, $16.99, 145pp, hc, cover by Stan Watts) [Vesper Holly] Young-adult Graustarkian/alternate world adventure, sixth in the “Vesper Holly” series.

Amityville House of Pancakes Omnibus, Vol. 2 ed. Pete S. Allen (Creative Guy Publishing 1-894953-30-4, Sep 2005, $14.95, 284pp, tp, cover by Marlo Dianne) Original anthology of four humorous novellas by Marlo Dianne, Sally Kuntz, Uncle River, and Carlos Hernandez. Introduction by Lucy Snyder. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online at [].

City of the Beasts Isabel Allende (HarperTrophy/Rayo 0-06-077645-5, May 2005, $7.99, 453pp, pb, cover by Sandro Sodano) [Alexander Cold] Reprint (HarperCollins 2002) young-adult fantasy adventure/magic realism novel. Translated from the Spanish Ciudad de las Bestias by Margaret Sayers Peden.

Forest of the Pygmies Isabel Allende (HarperCollins/Rayo 0-06-076196-2, May 2005, $19.99, 296pp, hc, cover by Cliff Nielsen) [Alexander Cold] Young-adult fantasy adventure/magic realism novel, third in the trilogy begun in City of the Beasts. Translated from the Spanish El Bosque de los Pigmeos by Margaret Sayers Peden. First US edition (Fourth Estate UK).

Kingdom of the Golden Dragon Isabel Allende (HarperCollins/Rayo 0-06-058944-2, May 2005, $7.99, 437pp, tp, cover by Cliff Nielsen) [Alexander Cold] Reprint (HarperCollins 2004) young-adult fantasy adventure/magic realism novel, sequel to City of the Beasts. Translated from the Spanish Reino del Dragon de Oro by Margaret Sayers Peden.

Terminator 3: Terminator Hunt Aaron Allston (Tor 0-765-35093-9, Dec 2005, $6.99, 317pp, pb) [Terminator] Reprint (Tor 2004) novelization based on the world of the movie. Copyrighted by IMF Internationale Medien und Film & Co. 3 Produktions.

The Fire-Eaters David Almond (Random House/Dell Yearling 0-440-42012-1, Nov 2005, $5.99, 218pp, tp, cover by Curtis Parker) Reprint (Hodder 2003) young-adult novel with possible fantasy elements.

The Firehills Steve Alton (Lerner/Carolrhoda 1-57505-798-0, Sep 2005, $15.95, 188pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to The Malifex.

The Art of Robots Amid Amidi (Chronicle Books 0-8118-4549-4, Mar 2005, $40.00, 144pp, hc) Art book about the animated film. Preface by William Joyce. Foreword by Chris Wedge.

The Wild Swans Hans Christian Andersen & Anne Yvonne Gilbert (Barefoot Books 1-84148-164-5, Feb 2005, $17.99, unpaginated, hc, cover by Anne Yvonne Gilbert) Children’s picture book of the Andersen fairy tale, in a new translation by Naomi Lewis, illustrated by Anne Yvonne Gilbert. This edition celebrates the 200th anniversary of Andersen’s birth.

H.P. Lovecraft’s Favorite Weird Tales ed. Douglas A. Anderson (Cold Spring Press 1-59360-056-9, Oct 2005, $14.00, 391pp, tp, cover by Daniel Govar) Anthology of 18 stories listed by HPL as his favorite literary and popular weird tales. Edited and with an introduction by Douglas A. Anderson. Authors include Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, and A. Merritt.

Seekers of Dreams: Masterpieces of Fantasy ed. Douglas A. Anderson (Cold Spring Press 1-59360-048-8, Jul 2005, $14.00, 314pp, tp, cover by Daniel Govar) Anthology of 22 stories, mixing light and dark fantasy ranging from L. Frank Baum, Lord Dunsany, and H.P. Lovecraft to Robert Holdstock and Thomas Ligotti. Edited and with introduction and notes by Douglas A. Anderson.

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